junio 18, 2009

My blogging experience

I enjoy my blogging experience, I think it's good to do different activities in this subject it is good that English classes in a plug where the student develops oral, aural and writing it. I think learning a language needs of practice in all areas.

Thursday this semester I have classes from 8 o’clock in the morning to 6 o’clock in the evening and therefore in the evening I feel so tired but I work the first time in the room and in the second hour building in my blog was more fun and less tedious afternoon and English class.
I think doing this kind of activities help me to exercise best my English: improvising, playing, interacting and developing interesting topics. I especially liked the blog four where I had to post a photo and described how, when and where it was taken, it also allowed me to learn more about my fellow course
I think one disadvantage of blogging in the English class is that items that were proposed were not very varied, most were related to our career or our university life. Could have been included among the subjects, our experiences of everyday life beyond the University. Even sometimes the item may have been freely chosen by each one.
Also my blogging experience helped me to learn how to use it this web. My boyfriend have a blog, in this page he publishes his paintings and I could not comment on his page because I was not registered as a user because I didn´t know how do a blog, or how to use it. Now I like the idea of having a blog to post my photos comments, thoughts, to post in my boyfriend’s blog and that he can post me

junio 14, 2009

This video is about a conference made by Kim Robinson he talks about the importance of creativity in education.

He talks about children creativity , he says creativity that is something important and that should be given importance, in this sense, children are more creative than adults because they are not afraid to make mistakes but they start losing this capacity when they grow up because the education system stifles their creativity

Also he talks about the school gives more importance to some subjects than others, and is given a higher value on intellectual work in the background leaving the artistic and whitin the art does not take into account the dance or drama.

Mentions that education responds to the model of industrialism and does not take into account the different types of intelligence available

In concluding his conference he says that it was necessary to think more in education, in the different capacities of human beings and enable them to benefit, especially children's creativity

junio 04, 2009

My favourite subject

Now my favourite subject is Community Psychology, in this subject we finished clases we had three teachers, each one has shown us a different topics, German Rozas we told us: how is community psychology emerged, which are the main exponents, what issues that concerned about this kind of psychology? and he showed us the places where we could practice as a Community psychologists.

After we have other teacher, his name is Rodolfo Sapiains and he taught us different topics, such as: social capital, participation and empowerment.

The last teacher who gave us lessons is Rodrigo Quiroz. He talked about of a kind of social science research is called Participative and action research, in such research, the researcher works with a marginal community so that it achieves transform their reality.

I like Community Psychology because I didn´t know much of it. Now I think is very interesting and rewarding work with poor people, be with them and teach them how to get better their living condition.