octubre 29, 2009

My best friend

My best friend is Alessandra, I met her in 2001 when we got to school “San Nicolas de Myra”, I remember my first day of class in this school I seat back of the room with all the news students and among these was Alesandra, she came from “Scuola Italiana”. After that I began to garther with other classmate, her name is Maria Jesus, with her we became very good friends easily if I had a problem I knew I could trust her, I went to her house frequently and we went to parties every weekends. The problem was that my mom did not like that I was much time with her, because her dad gave permission to do everything, because of this, we separated for a while, but after that we became good friends until today.
With the Ale we were friends at school, but not so close, it was strange because we did best friends when we left the school. I remember that she going every Friday or Saturday afternoon to my house to have coffee, smoked and we spent long hours talking. Were so close, I remember we went to parties, we went outside Santiago in the summer, I had a great time with her, until this day we remember those moments as part of a great time.
In 2007 we started seeing less, twice a month problably, because I went to university. I think that always happens among friends because they start to be other concerns, the important thing is that you do not neglect the friendship.
I feel that with the Ale we have created a unique friendship that has not been exempt of problems but we have learned to communicate and so we've gone ahead. She is a cheerful, sensitive, simple and reliable.
I think if I am a good friend, I like listening to my friends, being there when I need them and advise them when they have problems.

octubre 15, 2009

Living and forgiving

I think the main task of the psychologist is to make the patient live his emotions, not that avoid or suppress, the psychologist must understand that when a person suffers huge pain ,it is best to live their emotions, whether anger or grief. If the patient arrives at our office saying that someone you loved betrayed him or did something wrong, is normal to feel much pain, anger and resentment, maybe feel it is unfair that something like this is happening.

But after the patient has spent time in therapy and decreased his negative emotions is important to consider the possibility of forgiving the person who betrayed his and recover the friendship or relationship. Sometimes people make mistakes and deserve to be forgiven, if the relationship is strong conflict be overcome. Although there are limits and can not be forgiven all because you lose your self-love.

Human relationships are very complex, there are ups and downs. In the case of couples is more difficult still, today has become very common infidelity and even some people do not see it as something bad. Personally I think it's hard to forgive an infidelity because there is a risk that this will continue happening. If there is still love in the couple relationship may continue without problems, the important thing is that both people feel good and that there trust

The aim of the psychologist is the person to live a process as you can live your pain, whatever it is. Without affecting mostly the rest of his life that after a while you can solve your problem.

To read this article may enter to: http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2009/oct/10/forgiveness-retaliation-revenge-dillner

octubre 08, 2009

Copito =)

I have a dog, his name is “Copito”, I remember before he came to mi house I didn´t like dogs. In summer my brothers said to my mother “¡buy us a dog!” and they put a picture of a very tender dog at the door of her bedroom, I told my mom that I disagreed because if she bought it we would have to take care of everything related to the dog. After this I traveled to north of chile and one day my mother called me and said we buy a dog poodle mix Maltese with a man who contacted the internet, really at that moment I laughed.
When I got to my house a small dog ran to the door to welcome me, in this moment I felt it would not be so terrible to have a dog at home. I thing is it not neccesary have a pet but my life and daily routine changed a little with “Copito”, he is too cute he is a good company when I watch TV and sleep nap. I also noticed something that I did not think before when someone told me so: dogs are very intelligent and they are aware of many things, in my case “Copito” knows when I'm going or when I'm happy, sad or angry with him because he did something wrong.
I feel sad about the pets that were abandoned in Chaiten but I thing there are many good people in this country who want to save them from neglect.

octubre 01, 2009

What to do and where to go in Santiago

If a foreigner friend of mine came I would take her to city center because I think is a important place of Santiago and this she would allow know part of history of this city, take her specifically to Plaza de armas, Government palace, San Francisco church, Municipal teather and to National library. Also seize the oportunity to we were to the Santa Lucía hill and to the craft fair which is located in front to the hill.

I would also take her to Bellavista neighborhood, in this place can do many things during the day and night. In the morning we could go shopping to Patronato where can you get very cheap clothes , after we could lunch a sandwich and drink a beer in a restaurant to continue the evening in San Cristobal hill and we could see the animals of zoo, we could got on the cablecar and walk to the virgin. At night we could go see a play to any room and finish the night in some bar.

I would tell her to went to Cajon del Maipo in the weekend to camping, this is a beautiful place, with many vegetation where you can walk through the hills, swim in the river and do a picnic.

Another fun place to which my friend could come on Sunday is the Forest Park, here is the Bellas Artes museum that exhibits very good exhibitions, it is also possible to see jugglers and artisans. There is a Cafes where you can drink coffee or ice cream depending on the time of the year.