noviembre 12, 2009

My academic year

The first term of this year I was eager to started classes and I felt curiosity because I was not going to be as introductory subjects, but more practical and associated with various areas of psychology. The first term I had occupational psychology, communitary psychology, clinical, juridic and educational. The second term has been better than the first because I could choose the subjects I wanted to take according to my interests, today I think my choices were good. The bad thing about this semester is that my group of friends broke a little because not all agree on the same classes.

Now I think the first term of this year was very difficult because in all the subjects I did many works and research in group and I didn´t have free time for fun, but I feel I learned a lot. In communitary psychology my group and I we went to a communitary health center in Recoleta, in this place we participated in a group of addicts, this was a very good experience because we known how to work in the community area. In educational psychology I learned history and problems of chilean education .In Juridic psychology I learned how the psychologists work in the area of justice. My favourite class was clinical psychology because in this subject I learned the basics things of psychotherapy with children and my group and I did a research on " How media influence teenagers' suicide".

The second term was not as difficult as the first, partly because I didn’t do much works in group and that allowed me to better organize my time. My favorite subjects this semester were: In humanistic area through workshops could learn to know and manage my emotions better, which is very important for a psychologist . In the subject of community area I learned about drugs’s problem and the use of hallucinogens in indigenous and as a form of therapy. For me, the best of all subjects was Young-infant psychology because I could learn more about the therapy with children and learned to practice. This is the area to which I want to dedicate the future.

I hope to finish well this semester. So far I think this year I learned a lot and I hope the years have left to finish my carreer continues to be well, that can go on discovering things that psychology is a broad subject where there will always be new things to learn.

noviembre 05, 2009

My faculty

I remember when I started university I was surprised at the participation of students in faculty and in my course, we choose a course delegate and he was responsible for conducting our meetings to discuss various issues related to the classes and make decisions democratically, although many times it was not easy to reach agreement.

That year a series of problems emerged in our career that ended in a work stoppage. Many of my classmates participated actively in all activities that took place during those three weeks, I personally attended some meetings to see what was the discussion and when classes would resume. Then I realized that everything was much influenced by political issues, there was talk of tolerance but the moment that someone had a different opinion was not heard, also the meetings stretched so much that people are going and decisions were taken by a small group.

In 2008 came a very similar situation, this time in the Faculty of Social Sciences, this resulted that many classmates stop participating . Today it is clear that there is a crisis of participation at all levels, students are seldom disappointed because their demands are not heard and when they protest almost never have achieved the objectives. What is happening is that everyone tries to fix their academic problems alone and there is no union.

But it is also important to recognize the positive things that happened in faculty this last time, in my opinion one of the best things is the new computer room and new and modern computers, before the computer room was small for many students and had very few computers.

I think students have the right to seek optimal conditions that facilitate their education. If there is more unity and put aside special interests I think we can achieve great things.

octubre 29, 2009

My best friend

My best friend is Alessandra, I met her in 2001 when we got to school “San Nicolas de Myra”, I remember my first day of class in this school I seat back of the room with all the news students and among these was Alesandra, she came from “Scuola Italiana”. After that I began to garther with other classmate, her name is Maria Jesus, with her we became very good friends easily if I had a problem I knew I could trust her, I went to her house frequently and we went to parties every weekends. The problem was that my mom did not like that I was much time with her, because her dad gave permission to do everything, because of this, we separated for a while, but after that we became good friends until today.
With the Ale we were friends at school, but not so close, it was strange because we did best friends when we left the school. I remember that she going every Friday or Saturday afternoon to my house to have coffee, smoked and we spent long hours talking. Were so close, I remember we went to parties, we went outside Santiago in the summer, I had a great time with her, until this day we remember those moments as part of a great time.
In 2007 we started seeing less, twice a month problably, because I went to university. I think that always happens among friends because they start to be other concerns, the important thing is that you do not neglect the friendship.
I feel that with the Ale we have created a unique friendship that has not been exempt of problems but we have learned to communicate and so we've gone ahead. She is a cheerful, sensitive, simple and reliable.
I think if I am a good friend, I like listening to my friends, being there when I need them and advise them when they have problems.

octubre 15, 2009

Living and forgiving

I think the main task of the psychologist is to make the patient live his emotions, not that avoid or suppress, the psychologist must understand that when a person suffers huge pain ,it is best to live their emotions, whether anger or grief. If the patient arrives at our office saying that someone you loved betrayed him or did something wrong, is normal to feel much pain, anger and resentment, maybe feel it is unfair that something like this is happening.

But after the patient has spent time in therapy and decreased his negative emotions is important to consider the possibility of forgiving the person who betrayed his and recover the friendship or relationship. Sometimes people make mistakes and deserve to be forgiven, if the relationship is strong conflict be overcome. Although there are limits and can not be forgiven all because you lose your self-love.

Human relationships are very complex, there are ups and downs. In the case of couples is more difficult still, today has become very common infidelity and even some people do not see it as something bad. Personally I think it's hard to forgive an infidelity because there is a risk that this will continue happening. If there is still love in the couple relationship may continue without problems, the important thing is that both people feel good and that there trust

The aim of the psychologist is the person to live a process as you can live your pain, whatever it is. Without affecting mostly the rest of his life that after a while you can solve your problem.

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