noviembre 05, 2009

My faculty

I remember when I started university I was surprised at the participation of students in faculty and in my course, we choose a course delegate and he was responsible for conducting our meetings to discuss various issues related to the classes and make decisions democratically, although many times it was not easy to reach agreement.

That year a series of problems emerged in our career that ended in a work stoppage. Many of my classmates participated actively in all activities that took place during those three weeks, I personally attended some meetings to see what was the discussion and when classes would resume. Then I realized that everything was much influenced by political issues, there was talk of tolerance but the moment that someone had a different opinion was not heard, also the meetings stretched so much that people are going and decisions were taken by a small group.

In 2008 came a very similar situation, this time in the Faculty of Social Sciences, this resulted that many classmates stop participating . Today it is clear that there is a crisis of participation at all levels, students are seldom disappointed because their demands are not heard and when they protest almost never have achieved the objectives. What is happening is that everyone tries to fix their academic problems alone and there is no union.

But it is also important to recognize the positive things that happened in faculty this last time, in my opinion one of the best things is the new computer room and new and modern computers, before the computer room was small for many students and had very few computers.

I think students have the right to seek optimal conditions that facilitate their education. If there is more unity and put aside special interests I think we can achieve great things.

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